Lying on bed listening to U2, one of my favourite bands in the world. Live, without a doubt a different class, lyrically I could listen to them over and over…
Maybe you love, like or hate U2 you have to give them credit for being who they are, sticking around for 20 years plus, maybe 20 to many, having a cult status, household name, the edge and Bono.
Really my blog today is about sunglasses, but I had to mention U2 first and there awesomeness. Subclasses to me don’t work in low light or rain, Bono at Glastonbury was wearing them in both. Either he has the best low light eyes in the world or he’s obsessed with glasses. in fact actually sunglasses aren’t really that important in this blog I don’t care what people say about U2, they are quality. Either they haven’t listened to them enough or they are caught up in there own “hater” bible and can’t let go. With or without you U2 are one of the best bands ever.